Monday, November 24, 2008

kicking it middle school style...

I met up with Vanessa today as she was getting her hair chopped off at the salon Toni and Guy. I sat down and chatted it up with her as the stylist was finishing up. This place was classy- they served an americano as I kept my americanka company during her big chop chop.
On our walk back we went hat shopping- having no hair in snowy petersburg is pretty chilly. We didn't end up finding Vanessa a hat, but we did find Freeman's Cucumber Peel off Mask at Rive Gauche!

We pampered the 6th graders inside of us by treating our faces to this cucmbery delight. I forgot how fun it is to peel this gluey stuff off your face, and how much it sucks when it's stuck in your eyebrows.

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