Friday, November 14, 2008

warm holiday wishes from st. pete

"Merry Christmas!!" shouted Frank, a German friend studying film here in st pete, as I answered the phone on Thursday. He invited me over to his Christmas Party- Christmas on the 13th of November.Frank decided that since the Russians celebrate Christmas on a seemingly arbitrary day- the 7th of January- that he would follow in suite and throw a party in November. Everyone came in their holiday finest. We listened to horrible rock-renditions of Christmas songs until we were fed up with pop-punk covers of White Christmas. Catch up America! I hear that they're not even playing carols in the supermarkets yet. Russia has already started putting up fake trees all over for the New Year. I guess we could use the extra holiday cheer since the sun sets at around 4:15 these days.
I heard there was a beautiful snow storm in Denver yesterday. I'm jealous- we haven't had any out here yet. According to Google weather we'll see flakes on Monday! I'll be sure to snap pictures and put them up on Flickr with everything else that I'm soon going to put up.
I'm still sorting things out with the bank, but I'll be getting a new ATM card soon. Good news as my money stash is dwindling.

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