Thursday, November 20, 2008

, originally uploaded by laurichka.


1 comment:

The Frank Boys said...

Hey Lauren!
Thanks for keeping us up to date on your adventures! I've recently been able to take Grandma Sylvia to the "community computer" at Presbyterian Manor so she can see the pictures that go along with the stories! The grocery store pic was awesome! It did kinda resemble you with long hair!! : )
Amazingly enough, when I was walking Gma through the steps to log in.....we went back to Samzidat and there was a new post (Bubbling over!!) ....2 minutes after we had just been reading. Grandma REALLY thought that was fun to have immediate satisfaction of a new post! Your blog might just be the incentive she needs to become computer literate so she doesn't have to wait till my day off to read your latest adventures! Glad to hear things are looking up! Take care!

p.s. No fried turkey this year! But fun to see us referenced!