Thursday, April 23, 2009

signs of spring

Judging by the hemline on the skirt the girl (above) is wearing, spring is officially here. Syd and I spent all of yesterday walking around soaking up the sunshine. There was a huge military parade (rehearsal?), we weren't entirely sure what was going on. Yesterday was Lenin's birthday, but a soldier we asked said the parade had something to do with victory day (May 9th).

Soldiers, Soldiers everywhere:

We walked past this bus just before it unloaded. The little sailor boys all blew kisses at Syd and me. We were cracking up:
We caught up with Peter the Great:

Then watched the last remains of winter float away down the Neva:

Everyone was walking around on Nevsky, this guy was posing with his bike
Bright spring coats!

Darth Vader? I guess everyone is starting to flock to Petersburg now that it's spring.

1 comment:

Sam said...

heh... I guess that was a bit dark. Really Fucker's Cake is where the blogging action was last night, i guess. Anyways, sweet photos of the soldatbi and Gogol's beloved peterskii sunshine. I have to say NYC felt the warm front a little while ago, this week got hit by april showers. Keep the stories coming and tell Cetera to close her eyes and eat a delicious fig newty.