Monday, December 1, 2008

Endless nights

It's nearly 4pm here in Petersburg and the sky is already dark. Not a dramatic change from the grey clouds hanging over our heads all day. Night only becomes noticeable by the brightening interiors accross the courtyard contrasting more sharply with the outside walls. The nights are disorientinigly long. I find myself up until 4 am some evenings drawing, reading, writing or out with friends, not even noticing how much time has passed by. I end up sleeping in and missing the first few hours of daylight "sun". Colorado's promise of 300 days of sunshine a year will be the most jarring difference when I head home in two weeks.
Today i woke up with an onset of a cold. This means echinacea tea, a pot of borscht, mandarin oranges and theraflu for the day while i get through a good chunk of White Noise. Hopefully I'll kick this cold faster than the last one.
I saw a band from California, The Rubies, play this weekend at Achtung Baby. They were having a lot of fun playing in Russia to the shouts of "I love you!" in Russian accents from teenage boys. I talked to them after the set and they asked me how to explain "I'm a vegetarian but i want to eat more than just this dry plate of vegetables" in Russian. They gave up and said they were only here for two days anyway- one in petersburg and one in moscow- so they figured they would survive.
Kostya is back in Petersburg now after traveling around Russia. Vanessa, Kostya and I went dancing with a couple of people that work at SPtimes. Kostya is the most fierce dancer I've ever encountered. Next time i'll tape his dancing and post it on here because i lack words to describe it.

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